Blog Posts tagged with ‘Matthew’

110 of 18 items

Habakkuk 1. The measure you give is the measure you will receive

by slpcenglish

27 October – 2 November 2019. Habakkuk 1 (click to read). Like many other prophets, Micah saw the way that the people of Jerusalem had turned to evil to make a profit – robbing, cheating, stealing from the needy, and oppressing the weak and poor. Like other prophets before him, Micah warned the Israelites that […]

Leviticus 3. Thank God!

by slpcenglish

17–23 February 2019. Leviticus 3. Thank God! (click to read). Many cultures and religions around the world have had the idea that their gods needed to be fed. Food is important to us, and we like to feed the ones we love. It’s not surprising then that people also wanted to feed the gods they […]

Matthew 26:57–75. Letting others know we are Christians

by slpcenglish

10–16 February 2019. Matthew 26:57–75 (click to read). A friend once told me how when she was back in school she decided to find a new church to attend. One Sunday morning she visited a church nearby, and during the service she noticed that one of her classmates was there, too. After worship her classmate […]

Matthew 23. Being God’s good representatives

by slpcenglish

3–9 February 2019. Matthew 23 (click to read). We all know about Jesus’s incredible love, his graciousness, mercy, and gentleness. But in today’s reading we see a very different side of Jesus. We see him truly furious. Matthew 23 is unique in all the gospels, because it’s in this chapter that we hear Jesus’s harshest, […]

Matthew 18. Never giving up on others

by slpcenglish

27 January – 2 February 2019. Matthew 18 (click to read). One of Jesus’s most difficult teachings is his command to forgive. It isn’t difficult because it’s hard to understand – after all we have all heard this teaching before, we all know that Jesus commands us to forgive others “seventy times seven” times (v. […]

Matthew 13:36–58. Are we following Jesus?

by slpcenglish

20–26 January 2019. Matthew 13:36–58 (click to read). At the very end of John’s gospel, the disciples sit by the sea with the resurrected Jesus and eat breakfast together. During that meal, Peter quietly approaches Jesus and tries to ask questions about one of the other disciples (21:20–23). But Jesus immediately stops Peter and, in […]

Matthew 10:1–20. A church full of love, not hate

by slpcenglish

13–19 January 2019. Matthew 10:1–20 (click to read). When new Christians come to the faith and join the church, they are so excited to be part of a new family of sisters and brothers, to be part of a loving and supportive community that follows Jesus’s command of love. While it’s truely great and wonderful […]

Matthew 5:1–20. Christ alone is the True Word of God

by slpcenglish

6–12 January 2019. Matthew 5:1–20 (click to read). Ever since the ancient days of the Old Testament, followers of God have known that they cannot simply open up scripture and immediately understand the will of God. Scripture needs to be interpreted, and wise teachers are needed for that. In Nehemiah 8:8 we see how Ezra […]

Ecclesiastes 3. Hold on. Hope is coming!

by slpcenglish

9–15 December 2018. Ecclesiastes 3 (click to read). Sometimes we find ourselves in a moment when everything is just perfect. Our plans have worked out, we have reached that goal we were after, we are together with the person we love, and our lives feel full of hope and peace. When that happens, we just […]

Judges 1–2. Learning to be responsible for our own failings

by slpcenglish

5–11 August 2018. Judges 1–2 (click to read). Though we often call the Book of Joshua a “historical book”, we have to remember that it isn’t really what we think of today as history. It is more of a national story or myth. That becomes clear to us again as soon as we open the […]