Blog Posts tagged with ‘Song of Songs’

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Song of Songs 7:1–9. Words of Love.

by slpcenglish

30 August – 5 September 2015. Song of Songs 7:1–9 (click to read). In today’s love song, a boy sings to the girl he loves, offering a detailed description of her beautiful body. People often joke that girls love with their ears while boys love with their eyes. So the boy describes the beauty of her […]

Song of Songs 3:1–5. The Power of Love

by slpcenglish

23–29 August 2015. Song of Songs 3:1–5 (click to read). You can’t turn on the radio today without hearing love songs. So many pop songs describe the search for love, the joys of love, the feelings of excitement that come from falling in love, and even the sadness of love that fails. Sometimes Christians fall […]