Blog Posts tagged with ‘2 Corinthians’

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2 Corinthians 12. When God says “No”

by slpcenglish

20–26 August 2017. 2 Corinthians 12 (click to read). For years Paul had been suffering. He doesn’t tell us what his problem was, only that it was a “thorn in the flesh”, something that hurt him deeply and brought him great pain. In v. 8 Paul tells us that he prayed earnestly to God three […]

2 Corinthians 4. Why bother being nice?

by slpcenglish

13–19 August 2017. 2 Corinthians 4 (click to read). We have a saying in English: “No good deed goes unpunished.” We go to so much effort to be nice to others and treat them well, and the only thing we get back from them is meanness and aggression! We try our hardest to help people, […]

Judges 7–8. The God of the Weak

by slpcenglish

22–28 May 2016. Judges 7–8 (click to read). In Judges 7 and 8 we read about the Israelites’ trouble with the Midianites. Back in those days, the Midianites were a powerful group. They attacked and oppressed the Israelites, took their food and possessions, controlled their lands, and forced them into lives of misery. In ancient times, people […]