Blog Posts tagged with ‘Genesis’

110 of 13 items

Hebrews 5. God doesn’t care much for regulations

by slpcenglish

23–29 December 2018. Hebrews 5 (click to read). From the perspective of organized religion, Jesus and Paul – the two greatest people in the New Testament – are both controversial figures. Paul was the greatest theologian of the early church, the one who shaped the beliefs and doctrines of all Christianity and put the church on […]

Genesis 50. Everything will be good

by slpcenglish

26 March – 1 April 2017. Genesis 50 (click to read). Now that Jacob has died, Joseph’s brothers start to really worry about Joseph taking his revenge. The brothers had treated Joseph so badly, and now that their father wasn’t there to keep everything friendly, what was Joseph going to do to them? The brothers […]

Genesis 43. Even during disasters, God is still leading us

by slpcenglish

19–25 March 2017. Genesis 43 (click to read). The story of Joseph, with its dramas of family betrayal and loss, is one of the most moving stories in the whole Old Testament. Here halfway through the story in Genesis 43, we see so many heart-breaking images. We see Jacob as an old man whose heart […]

Genesis 36. Wonderful things are still to come

by slpcenglish

12–18 March 2017. Genesis 36 (click to read). In movies, we’re used to the way that the camera always follows the main character. After all, they are the hero of the story. They may meet other people along the way, and other characters may come and go, but the story always keeps us with the […]

Genesis 27–28. Even when we make mistakes, God is still here to help

by slpcenglish

5–11 March 2017. Genesis 27–28 (click to read). In chapter 27 we read the heart-breaking story of how Jacob and his mother Rebekah tricked Jacob’s father Isaac. Isaac loved his eldest son Esau and planned to give Esau his fatherly blessing. But Rebekah’s favourite was Jacob. So she came up with a plan for Jacob […]

Genesis 17–18. Strangers in a strange land

by slpcenglish

26 February – 4 March 2017. Genesis 17–18 (click to read). In Middle Eastern culture, both in the Bible days and today, the social laws of hospitality are incredibly important. Guests and strangers must be welcomed, cared for, and honoured. It doesn’t matter if that’s a friend visiting from next door, or a complete stranger […]

Genesis 5–6. We are imperfect sinners, loved by a perfect God

by slpcenglish

19–25 February 2016. Genesis 5–6 (click to read). We human beings are such a mystery! On the one hand, the Bible tells us that God created us according to his image, to have value and dignity, and to stand just below God in honour. Not even the angels have the image of God – just us! […]

1 Kings 1. God’s plan will succeed

by slpcenglish

10–16 July 2016. 1 Kings 1 (click to read). In the ancient world, people believed a king’s power to rule was linked to his sexual abilities. That’s one reason kings and rulers had so many wives. So 1 Kings opens with a serious problem: David is now so old and weak, even his sexual abilities […]

Exodus 1. Brave enough to do what’s right

by slpcenglish

31 January – 6 February 2016. Exodus 1 (click to read). Sometimes when my family and I walk down the street, a Taiwanese person will yell at us, call us names, and tell us to go back to our own country. Sadly this is an experience that many foreigners have had here. While most Taiwanese […]

Genesis 39–40. Even in troubles, God is with us

by slpcenglish

24–30 January 2016. Genesis 39–40 (click to read). Things just go from bad to worse for Joseph! He starts as his father’s favourite child, but is then hated, sold into slavery, and sent into a foreign land. Sometimes it looks like things will finally change for Joseph, but then the next disaster quickly comes along. […]