Blog Posts from September 2019

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Joel 1. A beautiful creation destroyed

by slpcenglish

29 September – 5 October 2019. Joel 1 (click to read). The Book of Joel opens with a heartbreaking description of Israel’s destruction. Foreign armies have marched into Israel’s lands and have destroyed everything. Joel describes the armies as locusts, destroying and devouring everything in their way. Those armies don’t just demolish Israel’s fortresses, they […]

Hosea 7. Foolishness is its own punishment

by slpcenglish

22–28 September 2019. Hosea 7 (click to read). The story of Hosea’s broken marriage with his cheating wife Gomer is a metaphor for God’s marriage relationship with his own unfaithful people. And it’s here in chapter 7 that we hear the husband’s sadness and confusion at the way this unfaithful wife has behaved. God is […]

Hosea 1. A God of Grace and Love

by slpcenglish

15–21 September 2019. Hosea 1 (click to read). Many Christians think that Old Testament faith was characterized by life lived under the incredibly strict laws of Moses, whereas only in the New Testament do we finally see God’s wonderful grace at work. But that’s not quite true. While the topics of grace and our freedom […]

Psalm 146. We have great connections

by slpcenglish

8–14 September 2019. Psalm 146 (click to read). As a foreigner, it’s interesting to see how important guānxì, or good connections, are in Taiwanese culture. There is a lot of wisdom in this. Each of us knows how unstable life can be and how hard it is to get through life’s challenges without the support […]

Psalm 139. God cares for our whole life

by slpcenglish

1–7 September 2019. Psalm 139 (click to read). It can be tempting for us to divide our lives in two, separating our faith lives from everything else and treating these as two different parts. We then tell ourselves that God cares about our faith, about our Sunday lives and worship, but that the rest of […]