Blog Posts by slpcenglish

110 of 274 items

God of Certainty

by slpcenglish

(On Psalm 46) We live in a world where suffering from poverty, violence of war, effects of climate change and many other issues have taken toll of our lives. These may not be situations that we expect but we are thankful for the Psalmist who had reminded us that our lives do not dwell outside […]

Fear Is Not an Option

by slpcenglish Copyright © Byron Bohnert, used with permission. Driving down the highway recently, I passed an 18-wheeler with the words “Fear Is Not An Option” on the back of the truck cab. I thought this was an unusual statement and I started mulling it over in my mind. If fear is not an option, then […]

Revelation 21. God is Making All Things New

by slpcenglish

29 December 2019. Revelation 21 (click to read). During the Christmas season we celebrate the good news that Jesus Christ is Emmanuel, “God with us.” The Gospel stories tell how God, in his great love for us, left heaven to come and be with us, to share our lives, and to change our world. But […]

Revelation 14. Only Christ’s kingdom is forever

by slpcenglish

22–28 December 2019. Revelation 14 (click to read). In 586 BC the Babylonian armies marched on Jerusalem and destroyed it. Years of suffering and centuries of rebuilding Jerusalem and its temple followed that. And then in the year 70 the Roman Empire marched on Jerusalem and destroyed it all over again. In the decades that […]

Revelation 7. Christ is God, Lord, and King

by slpcenglish

15–21 December 2019. Revelation 7 (click to read). When we worship Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords, of course we don’t mean that Christ is just our King and only our Lord. No, Christ is King and Lord over all people. People in all countries, all cultures, all religions, and all times […]

Revelation 2:1–17. A passion for truth and justice

by slpcenglish

8–14 December 2019. Revelation 2:1–17 (click to read). The early chapters of the Book of Revelation share seven letters by the risen Christ written to seven different churches. In chapter 2:1–17 we find three of these letters. In the seminary I often teach our future pastors that the church has two “hands” or two core […]

Esther 1–2. Brave enough to make a change

by slpcenglish

1–7 December 2019. Esther 1–2 (click to read). The great church Reformer Martin Luther wished that the Book of Esther had never been written. Esther is a historical novel that raised a lot of difficulties for the Jewish community and even more problems for Christians. That’s because unlike many other Bible stories, the Book of […]

Zechariah 10. There are wonderful things still to come

by slpcenglish

10–16 November 2019. Zechariah 10 (click to read). When things go wrong in our lives it’s not always easy to stay positive. Every day it feels like our troubles are getting worse, that our challenges are getting bigger, and that there’s no way out of our problems. When everything is going so badly it’s hard […]

Zechariah 1. Learning from past mistakes

by slpcenglish

3–9 November 2019. Zechariah 1 (click to read). When ancient Jerusalem was destroyed, thousands of the city’s leaders and elites were dragged off to exile in Babylon. The prophets had warned the Israelites over and over that God would punish them for the way they had given up on love, given up on caring for […]

Habakkuk 1. The measure you give is the measure you will receive

by slpcenglish

27 October – 2 November 2019. Habakkuk 1 (click to read). Like many other prophets, Micah saw the way that the people of Jerusalem had turned to evil to make a profit – robbing, cheating, stealing from the needy, and oppressing the weak and poor. Like other prophets before him, Micah warned the Israelites that […]