Order of Service
Opening and Call
Call to Worship: Psalm 22
Remembering Christ Crucified
Responsive Verse: Luke 9:23–24
Gradual Hymn: O Mighty Cross (v. 1)
Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 52:13–53:12
Gradual Hymn: O Mighty Cross (vv. 1–2)
Gospel Reading: John 18:1–19:42
Homily: “It’s not too late”
Gradual Hymn: O Mighty Cross (vv. 1–3)
The Solemn Intercessions & Lord’s Prayer
Gradual Hymn: O Mighty Cross (vv. 1–4)
Solemn Reproaches of the Cross
Strepitus (A great noise symbolizing the earthquake that followed Christ’s death, and the closing of the tomb)